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Infographic of Bible as Novel vs Bible as Short Story Collection

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About this Lesson

The infographic shows two views of the Bible--Novel vs. Short Story Collection.


Each view is an often unspoken presupposition about the Bible that we have before we open a page of it. And each has an incredibly important impact on how we read it, respond to it, and order our lives according to it.


If it is like a collection of short stories, written by humans inspired as any human writer might be we can obey it if it suits us and set it aside as any other fiction we find useful at times.


But if it is more like a novel, the entire contents written by One divine author though speaking through human scribes, it is imperative that we pay attention to it and obey it.


The infographic summarizes the contrasting views on how people view the Bible and I believe it is incredibly important that you understand this concept before you begin to read it.


Please go to the lesson on it at for an in-depth study on this topic.

Included in this Lesson are both a PDF and an image of the chart.

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  • PNG (333KB)