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You Version Bible App Video Tour

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About this Lesson

This is part of a collection of Lessons of Online Bible Study Tools. To go to the one link that has all of them, CLICK HERE.

The YouVersion Bible app is my favorite tool to download onto my phone and to listen to the Bible.

Throughout most of human history, listening was the primary way people took in content from the Bible and even though we can read it today, listening can add another level to our understanding.

The audio versions of the Bible are also a great tool for people who either don’t like to or are unable to read, plus we can listen anywhere, working out, driving, cooking, whatever—God’s Word can fill our minds.

You can listen in the KJV if you want the majestic sound of it; or listen in the Living or Message translation if you’d like a more contemporary version.

You can also download the app to your phone and read the Bible on it. I find that especially helpful when waiting in line. Instead of getting irritated or frustrated, I read a few verses in the Bible and I find my perspective shifts. I can internally praise God and pray for the people around me rather than internally ranting at why the store doesn’t have more checkout lines open.

Included in this Lesson

  • This lesson has one 1080p video of the YouVersion site.
You will get a MP4 (63MB) file