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Blue Letter Bible Overview and Tour

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About this Lesson

This is part of a collection of Lessons of Online Bible Study Tools. To go to the one link that has all of them, CLICK HERE.

This is my go-to site for looking up the Hebrew or Greek meanings of words in the Bible. It is super quick and easy to do that (though not necessarily intuitive, which is why I did a video to demonstrate it for you).

In summary, you enter a passage, it takes you to it and the Strong’s number (a numbering system for every Greek and Hebrew word in the Bible) appears beside each word. If you click on it, it takes you to the Strong’s number, and not only do you get a definition, but it has Vines and Thayer’s Lexicons which provide invaluable additional information on the word and various usages. It also shows you where and how the word is used elsewhere in the Bible.

It is the BEST resource I know of for an in-depth study of Biblical words or passages. Using it will answer many questions people have about confusing passages.

In addition, the listing of the verse also links you to a selection of commentaries. There are far fewer than the links and resources available on the BibleGateway, but these are free and some are very useful.

There are many other resources on the site (articles, hymns, maps, etc.) but the word studies are the primary way I use it.

One bit of personal trivia—many years ago I had one of the first Blue Letter Bible CDs—what a wonder that was—it could hyperlink verses (hence the name “Blue-Letter” Bible, because back then all hyperlinks were blue). I was scared of it and never really figured out how to use it. It took them getting in online for me to take advantage of the wonderful resource it is.

Included in this Lesson

  • This lesson has one 1080p video of the BlueLetter Bible site.
You will get a MP4 (156MB) file