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Biblegateway Tour and Overview

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About this Lesson

This is part of a collection of Lessons of Online Bible Study Tools. To go to the one link that has all of them, CLICK HERE. You can preview the entire video on YouTube by clicking on the image above.

The Biblegateway is my go-to site to copy and paste passages into lessons—MS Word Docs, PowerPoint, or whatever I’m using. You can also copy and paste verses directly into Canva if you are using that to create Bible images or social media.

You also have your choice of many translations to do this. The site excels in making it easy for you to compare Bible translations. For individual verses, can enter a verse reference—it shows it and below the verse, you can click a link to go to a listing of that verse in dozens of translations. It makes it super easy to read and compare on one screen. Not only do you get a greater understanding of the verse by reading the various translations, but this gives you a good selection of versions to share with the people you are teaching. I will often share several translations to help them understand a verse better.

The tool I just mentioned only works with single verses. If you want to compare translations of passages, you can choose up to five translations that will be compared side by side. This is very helpful in understanding or studying a passage.

Again, you can copy and paste what you want to refer to in your lesson.

The above tools are free on the site. For a small fee, you can upgrade to the PLUS version which does away with the most distracting ads and gives you access to dozens of commentaries, study Bibles, dictionaries, and other tools. What is particularly helpful with an online tool like this (in addition to saving you hundreds of dollars in buying the books) is that the software automatically links you to related passages in the study books.

If for example, you are studying a book of the Bible or topic and click on “Resources” it will immediately link you to the information on that particular book immediately and you can go directly to any of their resources to see what they have to say about it.

This enables you to read a large number of commentaries and look up words in Bible dictionaries and other tools in a short period of time. You can also copy and paste these resources into your notes. I have found this very helpful when I want to share with my class a quote from one of the experts or an insightful Bible dictionary or encyclopedia definition (and again all without retyping).


Included in this Lesson

  • This lesson has one 1080p video of the Biblegateway site.
You will get a MP4 (143MB) file